Simplify EVSE Testing and Maintenance with Easy Chester –
The Next-Gen EV Charger Tester for CCS and CHAdeMO
ccs evse tester
Why Easy EVSE Testing matters
The rapid expansion of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) infrastructure brings new challenges to the forefront:
Can you ensure charging stations are reliable, safe, and Eichrecht-compliant?
Do you need a test equipment that is accessible for non-engineers, service technicians, and calibration specialists?
Are you ready to optimize your EVSE testing without requiring multiple vehicles or complex systems?
The comemso Easy Chester is a game-changer in EVSE testing, an installation tester for electric vehicle chargers with unparalleled simplicity, accuracy, and versatility for technicians in the field, production lines, and laboratories.
What sets Easy Chester apart as CCS EVSE Tester
Imagine a charger tester that:
Performs comprehensive testing of fast chargers with small EV battery simulation – far more than just a simple test adapter or EVSE adapter.
Simulates CP signals (Control Pilot) /PP state (Proximity Pilot) and PLC for CCS, CHAdeMO, NACS, and AC charging interfaces.
Allows to operate the Test System intuitively with a touchscreen interface – no additional computers required.
Provides real-time charging process and electrical safety test results with customizable, branded reports for your business.
Adapts to diverse applications, from field service to high-power calibration and production.
With Easy Chester, previously known as the Mini-Charger-Tester, all these features are at your fingertips.
The comemso DC-CCS EVSE testing equipment for on-site installation testing is since 2016 the first and best-selling system on the market.