Walking Test EVO
Walking Test EVO
Walking Test EVO Product code: WTE-1080 Model: Walking Test EVO Brand: Iteco Warranty Time: 24 REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION
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The Walking Test EVO is a portable measuring system that allows analysis of charge levels accumulated on the human body according to IEC 61340-4-5 standard.
It's fully portable and doesn't require a PC for data acquisition because all data are measured and logged in the internal memory.
The operator can perform all necessary operations without any collaborator, and while he is walking the instrument is attached only with a single cable to a fixed position for the reference to the ground.
The graphs of the tests can be displayed on the graphic LCD for a quick evaluation.
Then they can be easily exported and analyzed on a PC for a professional documentation.
A program to manage the tests recorded in the instrument is included in the Walking Test EVO.


This instrument is useful to ESD responsible for the evaluation of body charge in an EPA area. In fact, the characterization of a system is achieved by measuring electrical resistance and chargeability of the footwear and flooring in combination with a person.
- The electrical resistance can be measured with a megohmmeter as Gigalab EVO
- Chargeability (body voltage) is determined analyzing the graphs made with this intrument.




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Range: ±1050V
Resolution: 1V
Accuracy: ±5% o ±5V
Input resistance: 10^14Ω


Humidity measurement:
Range: 1 to 95%RH
Resolution: 0.1%RH
Accuracy: ±2%RH (a 25°C, 10%~90%RH), ±3%RH (a 25°C, 1%~10%RH, 90%~95%RH)


Temperature measurement:
Range: -20°C to +60°C
Resolution: 0.1°C
Accuracy: ±1°C


Display: graphic LCD 128x64pixel, 68x51mm.
Power: 6 LR6 1,5V alkaline cells
Dimensions: 243x130x60mm (instrument) - Ø35x130mm (probe)
Weight: 650g (instrument) - 250g (probe)


In the internal memory of the instrument can be logged till to 10 graphs.
Sample rate: 200Hz
Max total graphs duration: 2minutes and 30 sec
Interface: USB