Wristlab Pro Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester
Wristlab Pro Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester
Wristlab Pro Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester
Wristlab Pro Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester
Wristlab Pro Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester
Wristlab Pro Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester Product code: WST-1990 Model: WST-1990 Brand: Iteco Warranty Time: 2 Yıl REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION
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New Wristlab-Pro Test Station for ESD measurements of the personal protections of EPA (Electrostatic Protected Area) workers.

Located at the entrance to the EPA areas, it allows you to perform these measures for each incoming operator:

  • Bracelet
  • Footwear
  • Bracelet and footwear
  • Hands Free
  • and the new Hands Free+ mode
In common ESD test stations the mainly "infection ways" through which viruses, bacteria or other pathogens can infect operators are:
  • the touchplate, the high-voltage metal plate that everyone touches with his finger
  • the input connectors of the bracelets (banana socket and snap buttons)
Therefore touchplate and the connectors of the bracalet, should be disinfected after each different operator's use.

The Wristlab-Pro Test Station is hygienically safe and doesn't need a constant disinfection after every use: in fact, each operator has his own personal touchplate and his own personal wriststrap input connectors..

It can be connected to an optional Face Recognition Module (which can also read RFID cards) for touchless recognition of the operator.
This optional module connects to the company's LAN network via RJ45 cable or Wi-Fi network. With a freeware application for Windows PC, it is possible to download the access history to the EPA area..


Depending on the recognized operator, the measurement of his personal protections is then performed, according to the parameters set in the profile associated with the operator.
Maximum number of users: 300, each identifiable by face, card or password.
Each user is associated with one of the 10 different profiles that can be set. These 10 profiles, fully configurable, contain various information such as: type of measurement (Wriststrap, Shoes, Wriststrap & Shoes, Hands Free, Hands Free +), lower and upper thresholds of the limits (values between 50KΩ and 2GΩ), relay command options output etc.



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