Product Descriptions
Mavowatt 20 Energy and Power Analyzer

The MAVOWATT 20 three-phase energy and power analyzer is an innovative and indispensable tool for all measuring tasks involving electrical energy.
Whenever energy costs need to be audited, energy efficiency should be increased, energy saving systems will be installed, alternative energy approaches will be examined or the CO2 footprint has to be ascertained - the MAVOWATT 20 is always first choice. Intuitive operation with ¼ VGA touchscreen display, automatic setups, easy-to-read reports and DranView software transform the MAVOWATT 20 into an extremely high-performance but nevertheless easy-to-use tool for all applications.
Product Highlights

Your advantages
The MAVOWATT 20 acquires more than 50 electrical parameters including general power parameters (U, I, P, PF etc.), as well as energy and demand quantities, harmonics (THD, TID, individual harmonics) and other parameters such as energy import and export. Most parameters can be measured in real-time and displayed as a curve. Advanced demand and energy consumption oriented reporting is a key function in the MAVOWATT 20, but with detection of RMS voltage fluctuation the instrument also covers power quality to a given extent as well. L-N and L-L voltages are compared to a tolerance of ±10% from period to period. When a limit is violated, the respective event is entered to a chronological list including an easy to ready text with time stamp and categorization as either a dip or a swell, as well as duration and the minimum/maximum value of the limit violation. Snapshots of voltage and current waveforms can be saved with DranView software at adjustable intervals for visual analysis of distortion and other evaluations.
A diverse range of applications covers initial start-up, monitoring and maintenance of electrical networks and systems, right on up to regenerative power generation systems. For example, simultaneous measurement of power at the input and the output of photovoltaic inverters is thus made possible, in order to ascertain efficiency.
Laid out exceptionally well for alternative energy:

Technical characteristics

   Product Code: M810B