Product Descriptions
Profitest H+E Base

Test instrument for electric charging stations

The test instrument is intended for examining the functional performance of charging stations with type 2 connector socket (mode 3 charging).

The test instrument is connected to the charging station to this end, in order to document communication between the charging station and the test instrument. If the charging process doesn't start, the source of error can be quickly pinpointed. The PROFITEST H+E BASE is suitable for use in R&D and service applications.

Complete diagnosis of electric charging stations with a single test instrument:

Error simulations:

Indication of states by means of easy-to-understand symbols
Easy operation and diagnosis
Compact, battery powered device, which is thus suitable for outdoor use

Status visualization

Displayable vehicle statuses (CP)

Cable type (PP)

Simulatable errors

Diagnostics information

PWM signal


Product Code: M525A